Year: 2023

Bow down Shadrach

At school we have been reading novels and mine was Bow Down Shadrach.

It is about Hannah, Mikey, Sky and Shadrach who is a horse. Shadrach gets sent to a dog meat factory and Hannah wants to save him and they set out on a huge adventiure involving pushing the revolting “wuff stuff” man into the mucky pool of grunge and setting all the horses free and escaping from almost getting captured but getting onto a mussle barge and chugging all the way to the other coast. There is sad and dramatic things like Shadrach dieing in the end but there is some funny things as well.

I would recommend this book if you like adventure and storys with a sad ending, this is the book for you.

We had to make a google drawing of our thoughts and intrests on the book and here is mine: